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How It Works
Easy to Use & Cost Effective
1. Advertise Your Job Openings
You advertise a toll-free number and website address letting potential applicants know you are hiring (, classified ads, website, in-store signage, mail-outs, email campaign, etc).

2. Easy Interview for Applicants
Job seekers call your Job-line phone number or visit your Job-Line website 24 hours-a-day (both hosted by TurboHR). They receive an introduction that includes your company info and minimum requirements. Applicants are then asked a series of questions that will help you find the most qualified persons for the job. When an applicant interviews via phone, their voice responses created a Voice Resume. When they interview via the Internet, they have the option to upload an actual resume or make text comments.

3. Email Notifications
Management can choose be notified of interviews that match a certain criteria. Email notifications will include all applicant details including voice messages, text responses and attached resumes.

4. Finding Pre-Qualified Applicants
Completed interviews are immediately sent to the Internet creating a pre-qualified applicant database. Because this database is indexed by responses and location proximity, you are able to find applicants that live nearby selected locations and meet selected criteria. The next time you are trying to fill a job opening, you will be able to utilize this database before spending money on an expensive ad campaign.

The success of any business is dependent upon the quality of their employees.
  • Click here to watch the Demo
  • TurboHR integrates Phone, Internet, Text and Real-time Communications to make automated recruiting affordable and effective.
  • A module of Instant Evaluate
A The Narz Group Company